Monday, June 25, 2007

7 X 7 Solution

The last few weeks I have noticed that I've been clenching (my jaw) more and more. The last few days has been one constant clench, so much so that I am sitting here with a sore jaw.

This, by the way is (I'm thinking) how I broke my molar. Constant clenchng over a period of time, my tooth broke from the pressure.

I was looking online today and found several sites which pretty much told me what I thought. Stress! That's my problem. Duh!! All I need to do is eliminate the stress. Easier said than done, but I'll work on it.

I did however find the perfect treatment. By perfect I mean free. Here it is:


Dr. Goljan's 7 × 7 Solution

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, tooth-grinding patients of Kenneth R. Goljan, D.D.S., are told to go home and practice his 7 × 7.

Chomping teeth together is often a programmed response to stress, says Dr. Goljan. That is, we grit and grind when we're uptight because it's an ingrained habit. How do we break the habit?

  1. First, identify the problem. "Clenching and grinding my teeth is bad for me."

  2. Second, state why the problem is bad. "This causes me pain and makes me sad."

  3. Third, state what your course of action will be. "I will not clench and grind my teeth anymore."

  4. Finally, describe how this new action will be beneficial. "This will make the pain go away and I will be happier.")

It is important, says Dr. Goljan, that you use your own words to describe your habit and your feelings about it.

Copy your phrases on paper.

Carry that paper with you until you memorize the phrases and repeat them seven times, seven times a day.

It's that simple.

Will it stop you from grinding? "I virtually guarantee some degree of success, and in many cases, major success," says Dr. Goljan.


OMG, is this guy for real?!!!!!!!!!!!


Wolf Lover Girl said...

I hope you have all of your habits and feelings spelled out and have begun your new daily routine.

Now please remember these words when "Bozo" comes in to your office to ask the same question she's asked 3 times before... :-)

Happy Un-clenching!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Jess said...

Hm. I got a night guard and it's helped me with the clenching/grinding (I've worn down several teeth pretty badly over time). Insurance helped pay for it, too...

But I guess the "mind over matter" thing could work...maybe...