Thursday, April 16, 2009

Once again it's been a while since I've posted, but what can I say?

Right now this is going to be a quick post because I am not feeling all that well. This past Sunday, my godson slimed me and the result was the flu. Interesting how a 4 yr old can make an adult feel so bad and delirious for a couple of days. Bless his little ole heart!!

Yesterday I felt bad and decided not to go to work because I know what it's like to catch something from someone who should not have been at work. Plus, I didn't want to get WolfLoverGirl sick - I would never hear the end of it from Mr. M.

So yesterday I kept spiking a fever and drinking fluids until I thought I was going to drown. I planted myself on the sofa with my laptop and watched SEVERAL episodes of Heroes - thanks NetFlix!!

Hub came home from work with a small pint of vanilla ice cream for me...he really knows how to make me feel better!! It tasted delicious and felt great going down my throat.

Now, I sit here waiting for my fever to break and hope it happens soon, because I really, really feel like crap!

It time to publish this post and go back under the covers and wait this out.

Until next time....

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