Sunday, April 15, 2007


Friday I didn't go into work, decided to take the day off because Hub and I planned on going to the horse races with a group of friends on Thursday late afternoon. Well, that didn't work out as planned, we ended up staying home because Hub ended up working really late. Mind you, I was NOT a happy camper that night. I contemplated going alone, but was hesitant because I new I would be consuming a few adult type beverages, and didn't want to risk the driving part. Also, I still had no cell phone and the racetrack is not exactly close to home.

Anyway, Hub and I were both home on Friday trying to complete the standard house cleaning chores, when the door bell rang. It was the DHL delivery guy with a small package for me. It was my cell phone (insert happy dance here). I ripped open the package to find a brand new phone - yea for me!!!
After charging the battery, I realized I was going to have to have it re-activated - there goes $40 bucks. I called Sprint customer service and mentioned that it was a replacement phone from the manufacturer and Sprint waived the fee - another yea for me!!

The only downside to this entire cell phone hell, other than not having the phone for a week, is that ALL my contacts are gone! Tomorrow I shall begin the long arduous process of obtaining and entering numbers which is just another small price to pay for the sake of technology.

I feel that I am once again linked to the world!!! My pretty little red phone is back where it belongs and ready to make and receive calls.

Yea for me - insert another happy dance here.

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Yeah!!! I'm hoping the same number as before? Otherwise I'll have to change the number I have listed in my phone book. Like you I would be soooooo lost if those numbers went away. I keep telling myself I need to write them down somewhere... just in case.

I guess I'll add that to my list of "to do's" for tomorrow! :-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl