Saturday, June 30, 2007

Me and My IPOD

After much indecisiveness I finally bought my little red ipod.

It's registered, loaded with some music, and I'm listening to it as I type.
Aerosmith's Magic Touch.

It took me some time to figure out how the thing works. I was finally able to equalize the sound, took me long enough though. One would assume that directions would come with the packaging. I guess that would bump the price up. Since it automatically loaded the songs I had on MediaPlayer, I guess I'll load the songs there and then connect the pod to the pc and it will auto load.

I handed it to Hub to take a listen and I almost had to wrestle it from him. If he would listen to music at least half as much as I do I would probably get him one for Christmas. If he told me he wanted one I would definitely get it for him before Christmas.

Now that I have this little toy, I need to start collecting some accessories...this could prove to be an expensive toy when all is said and done.

This is going to be soooo handy for work!!

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

I love your little red iPod! And I love your cover, I'm jealous, I might have to get one like yours. ;-)

And what do you mean "some music"? I don't think almost 300 songs is "some".

And isn't it much easier to listen to at work then plugging into your pc?

~ Wolf Lover Girl