Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not Any More!

I think yesterday it was Tuesday, because today was definitely a Monday.
To make a long story short, without meaning to I had a small melt-down at work. I found out that the work I had done while "stuffing envelopes" would not be eligible for an entry into a contest because I work in the admin area of the company. Although the rules of the contest state that Supervisors and Management are not eligible - I am not management, just a meager Analyst. The prize is a trip for two to Hawaii or Mexico - for seven days - airfare included (don't laugh, this is normally not included). When I found out I was in-eligible, I lost it. Yes, the powers that be have decided that we (admin employees) are good enough to dig management ass out of the hole, but we are not allowed to participate in the loot. I remember saying (quite loudly) something about how we get screwed, being treated like red-headed step children and stuff like that. Ms. D came out to calm me down, saying that "I'll talk to the Timmie (VP in charge of 'envelopes')". I know that it was a small, very small, thing to get worked up about, but it was the last straw. If Ms. D went to talk to Timmie, it didn't turn out in our (my) favor because she never mentioned it the rest of the day. Between you and me, I don't think she did.
Whatever the outcome, I've given more than my share of extra work for this company, and as of today this is where it ends. No more volunteering, offering my services, or participating in any company activity - unless I get something in return. (Yes, right now it's all about ME)
I have been the photographer for several events for this company, without charge, and that my friends, has come to an end. If they want portraits of their managers, awards dinners, spring functions, they can kiss...er, let me rephrase, they can pay in cold hard cash just like everyone else.
And, for those who think I was being a brat and just complaining because I could, you can kiss my A$$! Wah, wah, wah, to you too!!!!
That's all I have to say about that!
Damn, that felt good.


Wolf Lover Girl said...

I agree! I agree! I AGREE!!!!

And I know we've chatted about it but I'm just sick of all the other incentives out there for the normal envelope stuffers... but nothing for those of us who have to help out every now and then.

But you just wait, when we're out of the hole again they'll give us all a nice pizza party to tell us how much they really appreciate us... yum... pizza!!!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Hey! I tagged you for a Meme, come check out my blog for the details.

~ Wolf Lover Girl