Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year, Y'all!!!

Well, it looks like I survived another year. Not that I'm surprised or anything, it's just that the tail-end of 2007 was such a stressful time for me. It wasn't moving quickly enough for me. As you may have noticed, I haven't really posted much in the last few months and will try to remedy that in the New Year.

After going to bed at 4:30ish this morning, I awoke shortly after 9:00am. I laid motionless in bed trying to determine the amount of bodily damage I had inflicted on myself last night. It was, apparently, not too bad:

No headache
No vacant/vague feeling
No feeling of dehydration
No light sensitivity
No spinning
No urge to purge

Yeah!!! I made it without a hangover!!!
Yippee for me!

I started thinking about what I drank last night, and I'm surprised I'm not lying in bed with the sheets up over my head waiting for the grim reaper to appear.

First let me preface with: I normally don't drink like this. Years ago, this would be the first 2 hours of the evening, but not anymore. I like to think that I've more important things to do than get hammered when I drink - one day a year doesn't count.

So far what I recall drinking are:
4 beers - maybe 5, but I don't think so
2 shots - Washington Apple
1 shot - Goldschlager
1 shot - Hialeah Hooker - worst thing I ever tasted
3 shots - something w/ Peach schnapps; so good, I couldn't stop at just 1
6 Jello shots
2 glasses champagne with Chambord - yummy!
2 or 3 shots of something experimental - WolfLoverGirl and Lordzepo were selecting and making shots out of some book (that's where Hialeah Hooker came from).

So now you can understand why I am so surprised that I am able to function.
This morning, I went straight to the kitchen, made a pot of coffee and fed the cats. I was amazed that they weren't screaming for their breakfast considering I was 2 hours late with it.
I watched a little TV while drinking my coffee, then set a roast and veggies in the crock-pot, cleaned the kitchen and surfed the web for a while. Around noon I made some lunch for Hub when he woke up, then went back to the computer.

So far 2008 is looking pretty good!

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

I guess that's why they're called hookers - they're always bad! :-) I told them that one didn't look like it would be good, they wouldn't listen!

mmmm.... I love your roast.

~ Wolf Lover Girl