Sunday, March 23, 2008

Odd Ball News

Reading the news either online or reading the newspaper is becoming more and more interesting, especially if you read the odd ball news stories like these:

There's the story of a Florida woman who, after taking her husband to the airport, tore her house apart when she couldn't find her 10-month old cat. The last time she recalled seeing the cat, was before heading out to the airport. After a few hours, she received a call from a guy in Fort Worth, Texas. He told her he had picked up her husband's bag by mistake and when he opened it, a cat jumped out. Apparently, the little kitty had slipped into the suitcase and made it onto the plane undetected. Now, after an $80 return trip, the little kitty is back home.

Listen to this, what a freak. In Colfax, WA a guy was sentenced to a month and a half in jail after he plead guilty to stealing over 90 pounds of women's underwear. Good grief, 90 pounds!!
He was busted last March while he was hanging around an apartment complex laundry room. He was charged with stealing more than 1600 panties and bra's, that's enough to fill approximately 5 large garbage bags.

Then there's the Italian police who are on the look out for a man who appears to have hypnotized a supermarket cashier before stealing money from the till. The thief asked the cashier to change a 100 Euro note and as soon as the till was opened, he began to hypnotise her into handing him the money. When the cashier came to count the till at the end of her shift, £600 was missing.

Late breaking news... In Macedonia, after a year long case, a bear (yes, a bear) has been convicted of theft. The bear was found guilty of stealing honey from a beekeeper. During the trial, the bear was excused from attending court. The court found the bear guilty but since it had no owner and is a protected species it ordered the state to pay for the 140,000 denars (£1,700) damage it caused to the hives. The bears whereabouts is currently unknown.

Hahaha!! Till next time...

1 comment:

Wolf Lover Girl said...

That was money well spent... a year to convict a bear! ha ha

~ Wolf Lover Girl