Sunday, August 24, 2008

Should the Girls Come Out?

Over the past few months, I have noticed that women in and out of the work place are wearing clothing which accentuate and (over) expose cleavage, then become upset when, during a conversation, eyes (male and female) are constantly darting to "the girls".

So I went online and found various opinions to the following question:

Why do women wear clothing that expose their cleavage and then complain about people constantly glancing down at "the girls" during conversation?

I'll be honest, when I wear a low cut top I don't complain if a man was to look, for one I know what can be seen when I chose to wear that top and two it's a compliment that I've still possibly got something going for me!

Good question, I think that they have no right to complain if they wear provocative outfits. Same applies for miniskirts, when you stare at their legs.

Women don't wear clothing like that for men to see, but to make other women jealous. Any woman who is honest about being female, and who is comfortable with her own femininity, enjoys male attention.

If it's not considered crass nor crude to challenge the nature of a man for the purpose of supposed public ridicule, then I figure the same game can be rebounded back where it came from. If she doesn't want to mud wrestle she should stay out of the mud pit.

A lot of women are very self-conscious, and they think that showing cleavage and dressing sleazy is the only way to get a man's attention.

There is nothing worse than seeing cleavage from an old looking, weathered pair of breasts. Keep them covered up for Pete's sake. These women are trying to prove to themselves that they can still be sexy. It would probably work better if they covered up.

Mostly because they're desperate, and most men are pigs, so the women get an easy boyfriend.

I have no problem with a woman wanting to flaunt a LITTLE, showing a little cleavage says more, but TOO much is TOO much, and it is trashy to me. It tells me that all she wants is attention, and in the wrong way. She has no respect for herself and in some cases for others.

I think they are desperate for attention and want people to stare. They shouldn't be surprised if people give them dirty looks.

It's competition. Women in the work place are seeing more and more younger, sexier, women around and feel the need to compete. I see more women in their 40's and up, showing more tits, than the younger women.

They complain because they don't want to be seen as tramps.

I'll always look, because I figure, hey, she's showing it, so she can't mind if we look, right? But, it looks a bit slutty.

I personally could care less what women do on they're own time, but at the office - NO, it's unprofessional. Then they complain that they are not taken seriously.

They are exhibitionists!!


I actually found some really interesting stuff, and some stupid. The comments above were taken from several sites, which all pretty much asked the same or similar type question.


Anonymous said...

LOL! I totally agree with you and all the other comments you found. Cover those babies up (especially when they are the older pair that have obviously seen the sun too much)

You know its for attention and jeoulousy for the Mentor. And well B.L. is just doing it cause her husband is gay and doesn't want to admit it.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Jess said...

AAAAAGHHHH! Perhaps I've been reading too much feminist literature lately, but those comments all made my head explode.

Yeah - at work, adhere to the dress code, and don't dress inappropriately. Other than that? Wear whatever the hell you want. We don't exist to be trophies for male attention, and unless they're paying for my clothes, nobody has any right to tell me what I should wear.

I have never heard a woman say anything to me that was half as bad as some of the comments I've gotten from men - men I didn't know and had no interest in "impressing." Sorry, gotta cry foul on this one.