My laptop is now mobile!!
I can now log into the internet from anywhere in the house.
Yeah for me!!
Yesterday, the Verison dude came to the house and installed FIOS. I've been online pretty much since then.
I am now actually sitting at my desk in our "office" surfing and listening to music, while right behind me Hub is sitting playing video games on the desktop.
At the moment, life is sooo cool.
Yesterday, Kevin (the Verizon dude) was here for about 5 hours or so getting everything connected. He did take an hour or so off for lunch.
The only major problem was when he had to go into the attic to drop a line down the wall. The line kept hanging up on something and it was taking forever, but he finally made it happen.
We also decided to dump Time Warner Cablevision and go with Verizon. We didn't get the DVR, but we may change our mind, but I'm not sure yet.
Today, I am running down to cable company and dropping the old cable boxes off and closing our account with TW.
Yes, Time Warner, you're getting kicked to the curb - Goodbye!
Hub and I are going to the movies today (at least, that's the plan) to see Transporter 3. I liked the first two Transporter movies, and I am a fan of hunky Jason Statham (I hear he has a shirtless fight scene!!).
Well, I gots me more surfin' to do before I log off.
Until next time............
I highly recommend the DVR. We use it all the time. Its one of those things that once you have it, there is no going back. You've been warned!
yes, you must get the DVR!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
DVR? Rox my sox. Get it.
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