Friday, December 26, 2008

Too Early To Plan?

Christmas has come and gone...finally!

This year Christmas was not one to record in the books, at least for me.
I just wasn't there mentally, which really was a bummer for Hub. He can get into Christmas and all it's spirit, but unfortunately I was a Christmas kill-joy this year - Sorry about that Hub.

We sat down and decided that next year we were going to be one with Christmas. Yes, we shall be Christmas!
Decorations are going up inside and out on Thanksgiving weekend, we will be shopping relatively early, cards will be sent out and we will spread joy and good will to all we see.
I think we will even have some sort of gathering of friends at the house to celebrate the season.

Yes, I think I will take this as an action item and start making a list of all I want to do next Christmas.

Hmm, I guess this means that I will need to hit some of the After-Christmas sales today in order to have what I need for next year.

Oh well, better get cracking!

Ho Ho Ho!

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