Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Aquarius Tidbits

Here is something I found and as I am an Aquarian, I just had to comment.

Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Aquarius are the ankles.
The ankles?? REALLY?

Ruling Planet
The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus. This planet is considered the breaker of rules and tradition. Uranus rules psychology, inventions, originality, creative will, rebellion, and autonomy. This planet is futuristic, intellectual, and even eccentric.
Need I say more?

Best Color
The color of choice for Aquarius is turquoise.
I look good in turquoise - so I've been told

Aquarius' star stone is the Turquoise.
Not one of my favorite stones

Lucky Numbers
Aquarius' lucky numbers are 2, 3, and 7.
Next time I'm in Vegas....

Compatible Signs
Aquarians are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, and other Aquarians.
We love them all

Opposite Sign
The opposite sign for Aquarius is Leo.
Had a boyfriend in high school that was a Leo...roar!!

Perfect Gift
Unusual machines, music, books on favorite subjects, a gift to their favorite cause
Definitely true

A good cause, being part of a club, scientific ideas, fun with friends, a good listener
Pretty much the truth

Dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them

Natural sign of the Eleventh House. This house focuses on friends, goals, hopes, wishes, circumstances beyond control, and love received.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Famous Aquarians
John Travolta, Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Michael C. Hall
If they say so

Best Travel Destinations
Sweden, Israel, Moscow, Salzburg
Two out of four ain't bad

Progressive, original, humanitarian, independent
Yes, I'm an originally progressive independent humanitarian

Runs from emotional expression, uncompromising, temperamental, aloof
Like the wind

Charismatic Marks
Good looks, beautiful eyes, angular faces, thin build
Three out of four, once again, ain't bad

Best Environment
Any gathering of people to exchange ideas
Can you say party??

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