A few months ago I started walking/jogging on the treadmill with the intent on eventually jogging at least a mile (no walking). Things were going really quite good. I was jogging more and more, stretching before and after. I even started doing some strength training. I started realizing that I am enjoying this 3 day a week routine.
After the holidays, I started working out religiously, but then last Sunday happened. I was in the master bath watching hub put together this automatic shower cleaner thing when I started tossing small cups of water over the shower door to get the walls wet where the shower normally doesn’t hit. Anyways, I was on the balls of my feet and jumped. That’s when I felt searing pain on my right heal and Achilles tendon.
After applying hot and cold packs, it still hurt. I had experienced this before (although not as painful) when reaching for something in an upper cabinet in the kitchen, I thought it was time to go to the doctor.
On Tuesday, the doctor informed me that I had Haglund’s Deformity. Since this has been an issue (the pain) for quite some time now, the possibility of rupturing my Achilles tendon is very good. So to prevent that from happening and NOT having surgery, I must add another brace type contraption to my collection.

After the boot comes off I get two weeks of physical therapy and then a week or two later it will be determined if all this has done any good. If not, I will need to consider surgery.
After hearing this from the doctor, of course I asked the stupidest question of all times – Can I still get on the treadmill????
At this point she told me exactly what happens when a tendon ruptures. That pretty much answered my question. Man thinking about what she said still makes me cringe (insert body shiver here).
At one point I was really REALLY ticked off. I start doing something about my health and doing something I wanted to enjoy doing, and when I do it turns out that I can’t. Does that make sense?
Every time I start to do something to get in shape something happens.
I’m beginning to think this is God’s way of telling me that he wants me fat and out of shape.
I’m trying to get into exercises I can do sitting or laying on the floor, but the drive I had before is drifting away, but I’m trying
Moving around in the boot is not that bad. The one thing that bothers me is that I can’t sneak up on Hub anymore; when I walk there is a crunching sound coming from the 5 Velcro straps that everyone can hear. I feel like a ninja cat with a cowbell around her neck.
Walking around the office is going to be fun and so much for sneaking out of my cube!!
Untill next time….
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