Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Almost There

As week five (on crutches) comes to an end, I didn't realize that weening myself off crutches would be more painful that the first day or two after surgery.
When I went for my latest doctor's appointment I found out I could start putting weight on my left leg when I walk, as long as I continued to use the crutches. Yea, I think. He said one week with both crutches, then the following week with only one crutch. Once I felt comfortable and balanced, I could get rid of the crutch.

Walking with full weight on both legs (with the crutches for support) I can really move much faster. The other day I was only using one crutch to walk short distances and found I could do it pretty well. That is until the late afternoon, when I had to use both crutches because my knee was killing me. I guess I went the one-crutch way a bit early; thank goodness for pain killers.

I've also started doing some exercises to regain range of motion. Now, that can definitely be painful. Stretching out those tendons can be a chore. Luckily, I don't need physical therapy.

As long as I follow doctors orders, I should be off the crutches within 10 days.

Yea me!! I can hardly wait for the freedom.

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