Saturday, September 05, 2009


Today I received the phone call I was hoping would never come.
My friend, concert buddy, and co-worker reached the end of her fight a terrible disease contracted from a bone marrow transplant.

Michele was diagnosed with leukemia June 26, 2007. I recall that afternoon so very well, her leaving the office early to get her test results from the doctor. As she was leaving I called out to her to call me later with the results. Well, she did.
The phone rang as I was preparing dinner.
"I've got leukemia" she said. I was shocked and immediately began rambling on about how medicine has come such a long way and people live long lives with this illness.
We talked for awhile and after hanging up, I stared out the back door and broke down and cried.

Over the last two years Michele had suffered from the side affects associated with the leukemia medication. She said they made her hands hurt, gave her massive headaches, caused stomach problems and made her extremely tired. Her doctor changed her medication three different times and still, Michele still had no relief. She began thinking her only other option was a bone marrow transplant. Michele researched and decided that this was what she was going to do. She was totally aware of the survival/mortality rate associated with the procedure.

Once the transplant occurred, she eventually developed a high fever for a few days and things began to go wrong. She'd developed Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) .
There are 4 stages of GVHD, and of course Michele developed the worst - Stage IV GVHD.

Friday, we got a call saying that Michele was willing and wanting to see Cheryl and I. We drove down and spent as long as we could with her before we got kicked out. It was so good to see and talk to her, but it was also so evident as to how sick she truly was.

Now, it's Sunday early afternoon and she is at peace and no longer suffering.

I am so glad I was able to see her and tell her how much her friendship meant to me.

She is the bravest and strongest person I have ever met. And am proud to have had the pleasure and honor of calling her my friend.

Good bye to my little concert pal, going to see M.E. without you will never be the same.

1 comment:

Jess said...

You've probably had a thousand phone calls today so I won't add to them. I never know what to say in this situation except: I'm sorry you're hurting, and if you need anything let me know.