Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bye Bye Rosie, Goodbye


I just read that Rosie O'Donnel is leaving The View!!

She wanted to stay for one more year, but ABC wanted a three year contract.

Just goes to show that The Donald was right - don't know if that is good or bad.


Anonymous said...

You definitely have nothing better to do at home if you're watching The View!! :-)

You know deep down she's happy, she's gonna try and get her own show again.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Jess said...

I don't always agree with what Rosie has to say, but ya gotta hand it to her: she pulls no punches. I appreciate that.

AND I think Donald Trump is the ickiest, slimiest, most-devoid-of-any-human-feeling creep who ever punished the world by putting his smirking, self-satisfied mug on television. If you pricked him with a pin, he'd deflate so quickly he'd take off and end up somewhere over the Atlantic. I don't care how many billions he's doesn't make him a good person.

But I digress. What, too bitter?