Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday Morning - It's Raining

When I woke up this morning the first thing that crept into my foggy brain was the sound of rain hitting the window. As I rolled over to get that extra 5 minutes of sleep, I became aware of another sound, a very loud noise..."drip, drip, drip, drip, drip". Rain dripping just behind the window glass - lovely!!! So much for the extra 5 minutes of sleep.

Okay, so now I'm up and moving around trying not to wake Hub, (he fell asleep on the sofa during his West Wing marathon last night) while I wait for the coffee to brew.
Tangent: is it still "brewing" if the coffee machine is a "drip" machine??

Need to jump in the shower very soon and start my morning errands. Let's get those things done so that I can spend the afternoon buying some new clothes.

The rain has stopped and now I hear the sirens of a fire truck and ambulance. I hope the accident isn't very serious.

Well, gotta go now to scrub the sleep off my body.

Until next time... :)

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